Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Run Cindy Run

I was completely thrilled to hear that Cindy Sheehan is going to run against my districts congresswoman, Nancy Pelosi. There is no fucking reason why that whore Pelosi hasn't filed for impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. That bitch pretends like she is a liberal, person of the people but in actuality she is just as much a hard core fascist as W. Here is a list of reasons why we need to vote Pelosi out of office.
1. She won't impeach Bush.
2. She is rich-- in fact she is worth over a hundred million dollars.
3. She is catholic. Nothing good has ever come from that group.
4. She is fucking hetero and a prude.
5. She is the biggest supporter of the failed war in Iraq in congress.
Cindy Sheehan on the other hand.
1. Will have Bush impeached.
2. Is a member of the proletariat.
3. Isn't insane-- she knows there is no God.
4. Is very bisexual and promiscuous . Well we can imagine ;).
5. Will end America's imperialism and bring our troops home.

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